Wednesday 11 December 2013

It's been a while....

Bonjour mon amis....
Firstly, big apologies for not posting anything in a while as we know how much you lot like reading about the stuff that doesn't happen. Harry has been away moonlighting as a male model which is why we haven't posted anything for a while (that last bit was a lie he just forgot).

Anyway on a more serious note we have been attending major awards ceremonies and picking up some super new customers. So first things first we were in the running for Best New Startup at the South Cheshire Business Awards. Sadly we didn't win due to the fact that when asked in the interview what happens if we get bored, instead of Harry saying he never gets bored. He selected the words "I'd actually quite like to be an astronaut", which I don't think the judge took very seriously. Anyway it was nice to be chosen and a finalist and it was still a great night at the awards.
We have picked up a few new customers since we've been gone. Our first new customer is The Victorian in Stockport, which is a lovely pub managed by Alan. Our next new customer is one we've been after for quite some time, Tarporley Chocolate Shop in Tarporley (funnily enough), which considering Charlie (yes the chocolate shop really is owned by a man called Charlie) makes some of the best chocolates in the country, it's quite nice to have our products along side his. Our final new customer is yet another JW Lees pub (we're trying to get them all in a similar way to Pokemon just with less balls). The Kingfisher, which is now stocking every flavour we've ever thought to make. So make sure wherever you're ordering your hot chocolate you check its Harry's first.
I think that's about all the news we have now. Oh and I forgot to say Harry and the mrs bought a house yesterday, so those of you who are currently buying Harry's products, if you could immediately buy double the amount as Harry now has a mortgage to pay....
We hope you all have a brilliant Christmas.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Presents and cake can only mean one thing.....

Hello everybody,

I know what you're thinking and no Harry isn't pregnant. In fact it was his birthday!! Happy 25th birthday Harry for last week. He got a new pair of trainers, so we can only assume his girlfriends trying to tell him something.
I suppose if Harry's another year older that must mean Harry's Milkshake & Munchies is now 1 year old. It's crazy how fast the time has gone and how much we've learnt over the past year. But 4 counties and 30 shops later we're still growing nicely. We even picked up a new customer this last week. A fantastic little cafe that's just opened up in Audlem called The Pinfold. Why not pop in this week and grab yourself a milkshake and a piece of cake. I'm sure Kate would love to say hello. We wish them all the luck with their new venture and hope its a raving success.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Sandwiches to sing about

Good morning everybody,

I hope you're all enjoying this fine weather we've been having. Word on the street is it's going to get hotter so make sure to slap on the sun lotion. We just thought we'd say hello and update you on our newest customer. The Cheshire Sandwich Company based on Godstall street in Chester, for those of you who don't know where it is, it's up on the rows in the centre of town. Go up the steps next to Cafe Nero and its just above there. It's worth finding as well. Owned by a very nice gentleman going by the name of Dave, whom I don't think has ever had anyone enter into his sandwich shop without having a full on chat with them. The sandwiches are to die for, especially my personal favourite the coronation chicken and the service is second to none. Oh and they now have the best milkshakes in town. So if you're stuck for what to have for lunch today, this is the place!

On another note we're at the Four Seasons Food Festival in Uttoxeter this weekend, and we're bringing some new flavours with us, we haven't decided whether it'll be Mint Chocolate or Cookies and Cream yet so maybe you should tell us what you would prefer. Hopefully we'll see you all there.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Monday 1 July 2013

We're moving South

Hello Milkshake & Munchie lovers,

I hope you all had a nice weekend, we went water skiing on Sunday although it was more water face planting as Harry is useless.... Anyway on another note we have another customer, and this one found us, it's always nice to be wanted. So you can now purchase your beloved Harry's Milshake & Munchies at Oakes Farm Shop in Coventry, it's a beautiful farm shop which has grown incredibly over the past 2 years, I have yet to ask what their secret is. If any of you are about next weekend Harry is planning on doing a product tasting next Saturday so make sure you pop along and try out some of our lovely products. 

See you soon,

Much love Harry & the cows.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

June update

Hello everybody,

Sorry for the lack of contact recently, we've just been enjoying a spot of nice weather for once. Sadly as we look out of the window today its raining so I guess summers over for this year.
In the past few weeks we've been very busy though. We picked up 2 new customers, the first being an awesome restaurant and bar in Tarporley going by the name of Piste, it's one i've been after for months, they finally came to their senses and decided to stock our hot chocolate. The second customer is The Bull at Shocklach which has very recently re-opened and when i get a spare 5 minutes i'll definitely be going for dinner there, it looked amazing when I dropped their order off.
We've also been busy on the show circuit, for those of you who didn't pop by we were at Bolesworth Classic Showjumping Competition the other week, in the glorious sunshine, it was a fantastic show so we'll definitely be back for more next year, as long as they let us.
Today though we're working on a new product the 'crunchy munchie' which will be a sort of chocolate brownie with honeycomb pieces, at the moment we're still battling to get the honeycomb perfect. If anyone wants to volunteer as a taster then please feel free, theres only so much hot chocolate and munchies one can eat.

See you all soon hopefully.

Much love,

Harry & the Cows.

Monday 29 April 2013


Hello fellow fans,

Not only did we forget to mention that Harry's has now spread nationwide after we got our first customer in Staffordshire. The lovely Emma Bridgewater Pottery Factory. But we picked up 2 new customers this week. Firstly the very cute Mad Hatters cafe in Chester, who make some of the coolest cupcakes I've ever seen. So if you're in Chester for lunch make sure to pop along and have a look.
We would also like to announce we are now stocking officially the best tea shop in the country, and thats a fact! You may have seen Davenports Tea Shop on the news recently after being awarded this accreditation, but they're now stocking our hot chocolate and milkshakes so make sure to run along and have a look before it gets too busy to get through the doors.
Also we'd just like to add we'll be at Tatton Park Food Festival on the 17th, 18th & 19th of May so make sure you come along and say hello. As a celebration we're giving away 3 pairs of tickets to the show as well as a voucher for a free milkshake. In order to win the tickets all you have to do is take a photo of an ingredient you would like to see as a milkshake or hot chocolate, the coolest, yummiest and weirdest ones will win the tickets so get your thinking caps on. Either post your photos to Facebook and tag Harry's Milkshake & Munchies in it or email your photos to Good luck everybody, entries end on the 10th of May.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows

Wednesday 27 March 2013


As promised we are going to fill you in on a few details about our 6 latest customers to come on board as stockists. Apologies for not getting round to doing this sooner but Harry was ill. So quit your complaining.
The first customer to join our gang is The Blue Moon in Chester.
A superb little restaurant / cafe / cool place / river side hang out joint. Personally one of our favourite places to be seen eating a fish finger sandwich in Chester, it has recently changed hands to a lovely lady called Sarah, who is probably one of the friendliest people in the world. So now that its nearly summer what better place to be than on the river banks of Chester watching the boats go by, who knows you might even spot Harry rowing past if your lucky enough. For more information about how cool they are then take a look at their website, just click here. Just make sure to have the hot chocolate when you pop in, it's the finest in town!!

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

It's been a while but we haven't left you.

Hello everybody,

I know it's been a while since we last attempted to ruin your day with a Facebook update but here we are again trying our hardest. The challenge today is to read the whole thing without pausing for breath (if anyone is hurt in the attempt we are not liable).
So where have we been all this time I hear you cry, alternatively that could be something else but I'm assuming it's you. We have been making your life easier to get your mitts on our products by gaining yet more new customers, and if my maths serves me right. Since our last post a month ago we now have 6 new customers, yes 6!!!
They include: The Windmill Inn at Whiteley Green. The Bhurtpore Inn in Wrenbury. Blythings Farm Shop in Tarporley. The Fishpool Inn in Northwich. The Blue Moon in Chester. And last but by no means least Emma Bridgewater in Stoke-on-Trent.
Over the next few days I will be doing a short update on each of these customers just to give them their own individual glory so make sure to keep an eye out.

In other news, we're working on mint hot chocolate and orange hot chocolate. We're also on the look out for the next Ernest Hemingway to write a poem or story about why our products are so good, in return we will print your finest words on our leaflets in all of the cafe's across the land...... if you wish to enter make sure to keep the stories to around 100 words and send them to the The cows love to read.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Monday 18 February 2013


Good afternoon everybody,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and an enjoyable Valentines. Harry spent Sunday at Emma Bridgewater painting pottery, for any of you who have never been I would highly recommend it. You get to paint a mug and take it home with you. Which essentially translates to paying double the price for a mug which I would be ashamed to ever take out of the cupboard. If anyone asks, my 5yr old nephew painted it which is in fairness probably an insult to even his artistic talent.
Anyway, more to the point. We have been busy again picking up new stockists and would like to put our hands together for an almighty warm welcome to Hocs Fat Pigeon Natural Store in Audlem which for anyone who hasn't been, is a beautiful little shop just up from the church. In addition we are also now stocking our hot chocolate at The Fox & Barrel in Cotebrook, a fantastic pub and one of my personal favourites. Why not find out what they had to say about our products on our testimonials page. Just click here
We would love to hear what you think of our products, either comment below or email the cows at the

We will also soon be stocking Number 6 in Tarporley, one of Harry's favourite cafe's so as soon as they take their first order we'll be making an almighty song and dance about it. But until then, have a brilliant week.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Thursday 14 February 2013


So here we are at that time of year again, the time of year where all of us men (including me) go into melt down over what on earth does one get for his loved one. First comes the card. Do you a) Go for one the size of a small car which when turned on its side can provide shelter for a small village. b) Get a card that has something written on it along the lines of "My eyes are bleeding at the thought of losing you" which I feel somehow no longer says love, it more says desperation. Or c) you do what I do and go round your local town for a good afternoon into every card shop you can find, reading every single card you can find, even down to the point of comparing the quality of paper it's made of, as god forbid you should get one made out of cheap card. Nothing says I don't love you like rice paper does.
Then comes the gift, too big and she'll think you should have spent more at christmas, too small and well you probably shouldn't bother with the card anymore. Personally I'm more of a gesture kind of guy, the gift should be meaningful and say something about the relationship, rather than just buying 12 roses from the petrol station on the way home. After all I don't know many girls that prefer the smell of castrol. So remember guys, don't panic. If in doubt attempt to knit her a scarf, she'll probably appreciate the effort more.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Getting a little bizarre now.....

Hello again my lovely Facebook fans and news page readers, we hope you're still spreading the word on how great our products are. We just thought we would let you know that we've gained yet another new customer. Not just any customer though - one of the finest pubs in Cheshire, the Cock O Barton in Malpas. The reason things are getting a little bizarre is due to the fact that last week we added the Cholmondeley Arms where Harry & Nicole went on there first date, well it turns out just a week later we've added the venue where Harry & Nicole went on their second date..... I know what you're thinking, where did you go on the 3rd date? Well sadly Nicole just cooks dinner for Harry now. But not to worry I think there could be another date in the pipeline if it's for the good of the company.
In the mean time we would just like to give a big warm welcome to Matthew and his team at the Cock O Barton in Malpas, and say thanks for stocking us and we hope you and all of your customers continue to love us as much as we love you.

Much love,

Harry & the cows.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

NEW CUSTOMER UPDATE!! (You're not seeing double)

Hello again everybody,

Now I know what you're all thinking..... Seriously 2 news posts in one week, this guy must be on drugs or something (you're probably not thinking that but just go along with it anyway).
Anyway, more to the point. We have yet another new customer.  One of Harry's favourite pubs in Cheshire if not in the country, and I would like to add, the spot where Harry and his girlfriend Nicole went on their first date - The Cholmondeley Arms. We would like to welcome this beautiful pub to our stockists list and hope that for those of you who already eat there, make sure to get a hot chocolate. And for those of you don't..... I suggest you start.
On another note we've updated our products page so it now looks "bluddy brilliant". Make sure to take a look.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Monday 14 January 2013


Good afternoon world, I was supposed to have this written and uploaded last Friday but sadly things never seem to go quite to plan.... But just so everybody is clear, we are most pleased to announce, as of hopefully Wednesday this week (if things start going to plan) Fromage & More a lovely little cheese shop in Nantwich, will be stocking our Hot Chocolate.  We are very pleased to have them on board. As they have just opened their brand new store we wish them every success with it.
To find out where your nearest stockist is then either click here or click the stockists link at the top.

In other news we're currently looking at a special Valentines hot chocolate for all you love birds out there.... any ideas would be much appreciated. But it in the mean time have a great week everybody and we'll speak to you soon.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

New Year new pyjamas.

Gooood morning everybody. Harry and the cows hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Harry was a good chap this year and received some very swanky purple trousers so keep your eyes peeled and you'll probably spot him out and about. Don't worry the cows were given some time off as well to see in the new year.
Now to begin 2013, which seems such an odd thing to say considering 2 days ago it was a Monday, now for some bizarre reason simply because its a new year people get all blurry eyed and decide to finally take up sky diving. We at Harry's have to admit things are no different.
Today before breakfast Harry decided to have a spring clean of his wardrobe, it may have been somewhat over due after finding 'Space Jam' pyjamas. Yes thats right, the film with Michael Jordan along side the all star cast of 'the Looney Toons' - turns out it came out in 1996, 17 years ago!!!
But Harry isn't the only one getting a freshen up. Things are changing at Harry's Milkshake & Munchies, starting with a lot more stores, by June we expect to be in 100 new outlets, be it pubs, cafe's and shops. Don't worry though we'll keep you posted with news updates as to which ones they are, and we'll still be doing lots of shows.
For the time being though we wish you all the best for 2013.

Much love, Harry & The Cows. xxx