Thursday 14 February 2013


So here we are at that time of year again, the time of year where all of us men (including me) go into melt down over what on earth does one get for his loved one. First comes the card. Do you a) Go for one the size of a small car which when turned on its side can provide shelter for a small village. b) Get a card that has something written on it along the lines of "My eyes are bleeding at the thought of losing you" which I feel somehow no longer says love, it more says desperation. Or c) you do what I do and go round your local town for a good afternoon into every card shop you can find, reading every single card you can find, even down to the point of comparing the quality of paper it's made of, as god forbid you should get one made out of cheap card. Nothing says I don't love you like rice paper does.
Then comes the gift, too big and she'll think you should have spent more at christmas, too small and well you probably shouldn't bother with the card anymore. Personally I'm more of a gesture kind of guy, the gift should be meaningful and say something about the relationship, rather than just buying 12 roses from the petrol station on the way home. After all I don't know many girls that prefer the smell of castrol. So remember guys, don't panic. If in doubt attempt to knit her a scarf, she'll probably appreciate the effort more.

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