Monday 18 February 2013


Good afternoon everybody,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and an enjoyable Valentines. Harry spent Sunday at Emma Bridgewater painting pottery, for any of you who have never been I would highly recommend it. You get to paint a mug and take it home with you. Which essentially translates to paying double the price for a mug which I would be ashamed to ever take out of the cupboard. If anyone asks, my 5yr old nephew painted it which is in fairness probably an insult to even his artistic talent.
Anyway, more to the point. We have been busy again picking up new stockists and would like to put our hands together for an almighty warm welcome to Hocs Fat Pigeon Natural Store in Audlem which for anyone who hasn't been, is a beautiful little shop just up from the church. In addition we are also now stocking our hot chocolate at The Fox & Barrel in Cotebrook, a fantastic pub and one of my personal favourites. Why not find out what they had to say about our products on our testimonials page. Just click here
We would love to hear what you think of our products, either comment below or email the cows at the

We will also soon be stocking Number 6 in Tarporley, one of Harry's favourite cafe's so as soon as they take their first order we'll be making an almighty song and dance about it. But until then, have a brilliant week.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

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