Wednesday 16 January 2013

NEW CUSTOMER UPDATE!! (You're not seeing double)

Hello again everybody,

Now I know what you're all thinking..... Seriously 2 news posts in one week, this guy must be on drugs or something (you're probably not thinking that but just go along with it anyway).
Anyway, more to the point. We have yet another new customer.  One of Harry's favourite pubs in Cheshire if not in the country, and I would like to add, the spot where Harry and his girlfriend Nicole went on their first date - The Cholmondeley Arms. We would like to welcome this beautiful pub to our stockists list and hope that for those of you who already eat there, make sure to get a hot chocolate. And for those of you don't..... I suggest you start.
On another note we've updated our products page so it now looks "bluddy brilliant". Make sure to take a look.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

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