Monday 14 January 2013


Good afternoon world, I was supposed to have this written and uploaded last Friday but sadly things never seem to go quite to plan.... But just so everybody is clear, we are most pleased to announce, as of hopefully Wednesday this week (if things start going to plan) Fromage & More a lovely little cheese shop in Nantwich, will be stocking our Hot Chocolate.  We are very pleased to have them on board. As they have just opened their brand new store we wish them every success with it.
To find out where your nearest stockist is then either click here or click the stockists link at the top.

In other news we're currently looking at a special Valentines hot chocolate for all you love birds out there.... any ideas would be much appreciated. But it in the mean time have a great week everybody and we'll speak to you soon.

Much love,

Harry & The Cows.

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