Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Christmas tree shopping....

Good morning fellow food lovers. Today at the Milkshake & Munchies castle it is f-f-f-f-f-freeeeeeezing as I am sure you are all well aware. So cold in fact that we decided to write about how cold it is (don't ask us why).
Harry is getting very excited in the office today as Christmas is fast approaching, so today on Harry's agenda is Christmas Tree shopping. We can't say its an often occurrence as it tends only to be once a year that one goes Christmas Tree shopping. The question is what makes for a good tree? We've decided on our criteria. It needs to be tall enough to give you that "oooooo thats a fancy tree" factor but not too tall that it begins to grow through the ceiling. Bushy enough so it doesn't look like you've been using the same tree since 1995, and also 'hold its needles'. We love the fact that nowadays you pay extra for a tree that holds its needles, like its some sort of bonus to have a tree that actually resembles a tree..... However we are reluctant to take out a small mortgage to pay for said tree in the office. So we put it to the Harry's Milkshake & Munchies council, how much would you expect to pay for a real Christmas tree this year, preferably one with at least a handful of needles on it?
On another note we're currently working on our latest and greatest recipes. One of of which is 'Harry's perfect dipping cookies' So for those of you who like to dunk..... are you more of a hobnob kind of person or the age old rich tea!

Much love and Merry Christmas from the elves.